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The Human Family Tree National Geographic 2009 Worksheet Answers

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Date Added: 12 years ago.

Documentary Clarification

On a single day on a single street, with the Dna of just a couple of hundred random people, National Geographic Channel sets out to trace the ancestral footsteps of all humanity. Narrated by Kevin Salary, The Human Family Tree travels to ane of the well-nigh diverse corners of the globe -- Queens, N.Y. -- to demonstrate how we all share common ancestors who embarked on very different journeys. Regardless of race, nationality or religion, all of us can trace our aboriginal origin back to the cradle of humanity, Due east Africa. What did our collective journey await like, and where did it take your specific ancestors? At what point in our past did we first cross paths with the supposed strangers living in our neighborhood? At present, in The Human Family unit Tree, the people of this quintessential American melting pot find out that their connections get much deeper than a common Naught code.

To the companion maps to this documentary, delight click: on-humans-788/

Dr. Spencer Wells is a leading population geneticist and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence who spearheaded The Genographic Project. Every bit Director, his promise for the projection is to capture an invaluable genetic snapshot of humanity before mod-day influences erase information technology forever. Here, he explains the project to residents of Astoria who are participating in the DNA testing.


Aboriginal HOMINIDS
How far dorsum do our characteristics and habits trace? What do nosotros know about Modern Humans vs. Neanderthals? Discover our history on Earth.

* Neanderthal skulls were first discovered in Engis, Kingdom of belgium, in 1829 and in Forbes' Quarry, Gibraltar, in 1848, both prior to what was considered the "original" discovery in the Neander Valley nigh Dusseldorf, Deutschland, in August 1856 — three years before Charles Darwin'due south "On the Origin of Species" was published.
* Gorham'due south Cave, located near bounding main level on the steep eastern face up of the Rock of Gibraltar, is the last place on the planet where we know Neanderthals lived.
* The factor that leads to ruby pilus and freckles in humans — MC1R — may exist found to control the coat colors of wooly mammoths. MC1R is also found in the Deoxyribonucleic acid of Neanderthals, meaning that Neanderthals would also have had red hair.
* Some scientists believe that the Neanderthal nutrition consisted almost entirely of meat. The theory is that they were not merely scavengers but high-level, predatory carnivores with diets similar to those of other meat-eaters of the same menstruation, such as wolves and lions.
* At Blombos Cave in South Africa, archaeological evidence suggests that ancient humans were engaging in modern human beliefs, including abstract idea, far earlier than previously believed. Artifacts include fishing tools, finely crafted os tools, engraved objects and the possible symbolic employ of ochre some 70,000 years ago.
* Bab el-Mandeb Strait, which separates the Arabian Peninsula from Africa at the southern end of the Red Ocean, is the possible location for humans' start difference from Africa. Researchers are currently studying coral platforms to understand what the coastal landscape looked similar lx,000 years ago, when this beginning moving ridge of humans may have left.
* Scientists believe that major changes in pare color can happen in the relatively brusque evolutionary menses of some 100 generations. Notably, skin color can change from both dark to calorie-free and low-cal to dark.
* The San people of southern Africa and the Hadzabe of east Africa carry more ancient evolutionary lineages in their Dna than whatever other people, and exhibit a directly living link to our oldest genetic ancestor, "Scientific Adam. " The San people's click languages could be the last remaining tongues similar to the original ones spoken by humans in Africa some 40,000 years agone.
* For well-nigh all of human history, everyone in the globe had brown eyes. So, scientists believe, betwixt 6,000 and 10,000 years ago, the mutation that causes blue optics arose in a single individual built-in somewhere most the Blackness Sea.
* During the last ice age, the water levels of the Bering and Chukchi Seas were much lower. The land that is now nether water once formed a land bridge that scientists consider to have been the major route for people migrating onto the North American continent.
* At an archaeological site in Paisley Caves, Oregon, scientists have found human coprolites, or fossilized feces, that date back some 14,400 years. They predate the earliest known culture site in Clovis, New Mexico, by 1,000 years.
* Monte Verde is an archaeological site in south-central Chile, where 14,000-year-quondam bits of seaweed stuck to the blades of ancient rock tools suggest people were already living near the bottom of South America fifty-fifty and then. Recently, the Monte Verde site was accepted as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
* An international team of geneticists has made the astonishing discovery that more than 16 1000000 men in central Asia take the same male person Y chromosome as the Mongol leader Genghis Khan.
* Some geneticists claim the Hazara people living in Afghanistan and Pakistan are the only populations exterior the vicinity of Ghengis Khan'south one-time empire to carry a Y chromosome with a unique genetic signature prevalent among Khan's descendents.

Source: being-family unit-tree-3706/q-and-a#tab-facts#ixzz0WzNKgjFu


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